Novels as comic books?

I’ve got a thing about novels or plays being translated into different mediums, such as movies or even . . . comic books? The newest one I’ve heard of is Lucy Knisley taking the Harry Potter series and turning them into comic books. While I find this idea charming and sort of funny (after viewing the pictures), something about this still rubs me the wrong way. I think this was ruined for me when I was assigned Macbeth in graphic novel form for my Shakespeare class. Part of me enjoyed the artistic depiction, but the rest of me despised the artistic license that the designers took in interpreting the author’s original text.

Is it okay to take another author’s text to do this? Is it unoriginal? Is it any different than a movie being made from the book? I’m not sure. Check the article out for yourself here.

About studley1728

is majoring in English Literature and Spanish, with a minor in Political Science, and currently exploring the realm of publishing. In her free time she likes to read, write, travel, and go to concerts.
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1 Response to Novels as comic books?

  1. acurran576 says:

    These are pretty funny. I don’t think that it is inappropriate to turn a book into a comic. The storyline is so condensed that it does not seem to be for a literary achievement but a comical one. I really enjoyed reading these and the little word blurbs are fresh, new writing; they are not from the original author’s text. I enjoyed this, it’s for the fans!

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